Organs of the General Settlement Fund

The organs of the General Settlement Fund were the Board of Trustees, the Secretary General and the Claims Committee. Furthermore, an Arbitration Panel for the examination of applications for in rem restitution of publicly-owned property was established with the General Settlement Fund.

Board of TrusteesAdvisory BoardCommitteeClaims CommitteeArbitration Panel for In Rem RestitutionHannah LessingManaging Board
Organizational chart

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board advises the Board of Trustees in its decisions on awarding payments and follows the projects for the restoration of the Jewish cemeteries in Austria. The work of the Board is carried out in an honorary capacity. The members of the Board must be infomed of the restoration progress in Advisory Board meetings held at least twice a year.

The members of the Advisory Board ofthe Fund for the Restoration of the Jewish Cemeteries in Austria are: one representative from each the Federal Chancellery, from the Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs, the Federal Ministry of Finance, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Office for the Protection of Monuments; two representatives nominated by the Heads of Provincial Government Conference; a representative from both the Austrian Federation of Towns and Cities and the Austrian Federation of Municipalities; two representatives from the Jewish Community Vienna.

The Advisory Board can accept historians as additional members. It can also draw on external consultants working in an honorary capacity, if they are needed for the Board's work.

Personnel composition


Mag.a Monika Anderl, Federal Ministry of Finance

Oskar Deutsch, President of the Jewish Community Vienna

DDr. Barbara Glück, Federal Ministry of the Interior / Mauthausen Memorial

Mag. Martin Grüneis, Representative from the Heads of Provincial Government Conference (Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government)

Konrad Gschwandtner, Bakk. BA, Association of Austrian Municipalities

Dr. Michael Haider, Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs

Mag.a Christiane Kada, Representative from the Heads of Provincial Government Conference (deputy chairperson)

DI Brigitte Mang, Director of the Kulturstiftung Dessau-Wörlitz (called in expert)

Benjamin Nägele, M.A.I.S General Secretary of the Jewish Community Vienna

Hofrätin Sylvia Preinsperger, Federal Office for the Protection of Monuments (chairperson)

HR Dr. Robert Rill, for the Federal Chancellery

OSR Mag. Dr. Thomas Weninger, MLS, Secretary General Association of Austrian Cities